TMJ Treatment Abilene
Treating Jaw Pain at Its Source
Did you know that some dental problems don’t originate from your teeth or gums? Sometimes, your temporomandibular joints, often abbreviated as TMJ, can develop issues that threaten your oral wellness and impact your quality of life. Even though these issues aren’t always obvious or outright painful, it’s always going to be in your best interest to have them resolved. Thankfully, Dr. J. Hawley and Dr. R. Hawley can provide some of the most effective solutions for these problems.
Why Choose Drs. Jonathan & Robert Hawley for TMJ Treatment?
- Numerous TMJ Treatment Options Available
- Advanced Dental Technology for Precise Diagnoses
- Knowledgeable Dental Staff That Prioritizes Patient Education
Symptoms of TMJ Disorder
Not all patients experience discomfort when it comes to TMJ disorders; while it can sometimes manifest as painful, it can also seem relatively tame. In any case, a few of the most recognized symptoms of TMJ disorder include:
- Jaw pain and stiffness, especially when biting, chewing, or swallowing
- Headaches, earaches, or pain in the neck or face
- Popping or clicking sounds coming from your jaw
- Tinnitus, or a constant ringing sensation in your ears
- Difficulty opening or closing your mouth
TMJ Treatment Options
After an examination, we’ll be able to recommend an appropriate avenue of treatment. There are various solutions for different circumstances, but one go-to option is known as an equilibration/occlusal adjustment. This involves altering the shape of individual teeth so that they fit together better when you close your jaw. These minor adjustments can ultimately reduce stress levels in certain areas of your mouth, thereby relieving TMJ pain.
We also offer occlusal splints, which function similarly to mouthguards. These custom-made devices are worn while you sleep and fit over your teeth to assist you with closing your mouth evenly, which aids your dental alignment during the night and ultimately reduces the wear and tear on your teeth.